Friday, 1 April 2011

I don't mean to sound like a creep but, I have these memories that I always revisit, and well, they're memories of strangers. Like, absolute strangers. Like this one time, when I was 12 (give or take..) and I was in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. Long story short, I was alone (you see, cereal isn't the most popular of grocery store foods...)and I knocked over a box of Lucky Charms, or come to think of it, it may have been Count Chocula, anyways, the type of cereal isn't relevant to the story. So, I reach for this box of cereal and well, sort of drop it. Well, not sort of, I did drop it, and on accounts of thinking I was alone I exclaimed 'such an idiot'. Now, that might not sound like much but in order to understand the significance of that one line, you must know that I had said it in a very Napoleon Dynamite-esque way. Basically, talking to yourself is kind of loser-ish to begin with, but talking to yourself in movie quotes near cereal is even worse. But it didn't really matter because I was alone in that aisle, with nobody within earshot, right? WRONG. Lo and behold I had embarrassed myself yet again. Passing behind me was a smiley boy around my age, and seeing as I was 12 and very awkward and self-conscious, made me feel, well, embarrassed at the fact that yes, I had been caught. You might be thinking 'well, how do you know he heard you?' or 'he probably didn't hear you' or 'he doesn't exist at all!' . JUST BEAR WITH ME. As he passes behind me (and my god, was my face turning red) he too whispers a Napoleon Dynamite quote, which well, made me feel like less of a loser and momentarily in 'like' if you will, even though the whole span of this entire story was probably around 5 seconds, no joke.

I'm just going to end this post right about here.
Not very fashion related or remotley interesting but hey, you know me a little better now, not that it's of any use...

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